Enabling and disabling your store page

Once your settings, schedule, and services are configured you'll be ready to activate your store page. If you've not done these things yet see these instructions.

Enabling your store page

Enable your store page

Once your store page is active, customers will be able to select you when purchasing their service (if you are available on the dates/offer the services the customer has selected).

You should only enable your store page when you are ready to begin actively selling through Taskly.

Click My Profile

In the Store Page settings, select Enabled.

Press Update Profile. You will see a message to say 'Profile Updated Successfully'. 

Disable your store page

When your store page is disabled, customers will not be able to select you when purchasing their services.

You will still need to carry out any incomplete bookings. Turning off the store page will only prevent new bookings from being made.

Click My Profile

In the Store Page settings, select Disabled.

Press Update Profile. You will see a message to say 'Profile Updated Successfully'.