Set up your Taskly profile

The Taskly portal has been designed to give professionals complete flexibility over their working arrangements. Using the portal, you can add your website profile information, set your availability for bookings, choose which services you offer, adjust your pricing, select which locations you want to take bookings from, and much more. 

Accessing the professional portal

After completing the sign-up form, you will be able to sign in to Taskly.

Before you can launch your services, you'll need to ensure your account is ready to go by completing the following steps.

  1. Add or update your profile description and photo
  2. Add your bank account details
  3. Add or edit the location your jobs will come from
  4. Setting your availability/connecting your calendar
  5. Set your buffer period between appointments (optional)
  6. Enabling your services/treatments
  7. Enable your store page

Add or update your profile description and photo

Your profile information and a photo will be visible to bookers who select your profile during the booking process. Make sure you have a good description to draw customers in. Speak about your experience, and specialities and include a bit of personality!

Learn more about editing your profile and image.

Add or edit your bank account details

It's important that your bank account details remain up to date so that you can receive payouts for completed bookings. Taskly is not responsible for payments made to incorrect account numbers.

Learn more about how to edit your bank account details.

Add or edit the location your jobs will come from

Taskly allows you to define a geofence service radius so that you will only receive bookings from customers who are located within a reasonable distance of you.  

Learn how to configure what locations your jobs will come from.

Setting your availability/connecting your calendar

Taskly allows you to choose what days and times you are available for services. You can also define certain days off, e.g. public holidays, and split your days up, e.g. you may work a few hours in the morning, and a few hours in the evening. 

Learn more about setting your availability.

You can also connect Taskly to your external Google Calendar, so that it can determine when you are available based on external appointments, e.g. from other systems you might use like Timely and Fresha. 

Learn how to connect Taskly to your Google Calendar.

Add or edit your buffer period between appointments (optional)

Taskly allows you to set a buffer period (in minutes) which is automatically added to any bookings that you receive. This means you have time to have a break/travel to your next booking. You can define what buffer period you have. Most professionals set a buffer period of 30 minutes. You might need a larger buffer depending on how large your service area is. 

Learn more about setting a buffer period.

Enabling your services/treatments

You can define which services you would like to offer, and how much you would like to charge customers for them. 

Learn more about enabling/disabling your services. 

Enable your store page

Once all of your profile settings are complete, you'll be ready to activate your store page. 

Learn more about enabling your store page.