Provider cancellation policy

We understand that plans can change. Depending on the progress of the booking, different options are available. Our cancellation policy has been designed to protect and compensate both practitioners and customers and cover the costs involved in the event of a cancellation close to the booking start time.

Cancellation policies

Provider Cancellations:

If you are unable to make your booking for any reason (e.g. an emergency or car trouble), the customer will be refunded 100% of the booking amount. Practitioners will not receive a payout for bookings they cancel.

Please try to keep cancellations to a minimum as they provide a poor customer experience. Repeat cancellations may result in your access to the platform being suspended. Learn how to cancel a booking.

Customer Cancellations:

Professionals are paid 70% of the gross amount for bookings that customers cancel less than 2 hours before the booking start time. If a customer cancels their booking outside of 2 hours before the start time, no payment will be made.